Public Safety Communication Systems

Public Safety Communications
Broadband Wireless Communications
Emergency management and federal, state, and local security under the current environment requires a coordinated and timely response.

The authorities' ability to communicate in real-time is critical for establishing command and control at the scene of an emergency, maintaining circumstantial awareness, and operating in an extensive range of incidents. Wireless and radio communications are effective methods of transmitting and receiving information in an emergency. The affected area may lack the infrastructure required to assist first responders, or the event may have destroyed the infrastructure.

Morcom offers communications equipment and services designed to serve the authorities for the three levels where emergency communications are typically required:

To Satisfy Operational Needs

Operational needs are the ability of emergency responders to establish and sustain communications in support of mission operations. Equipment used at this level includes portable, mobile, and base station radios. Click here to see the range of equipment that Morcom offers. 

Interoperability Requirements

The ability of emergency responders to communicate among jurisdictions, disciplines, and levels of government, using a variety of frequency bands, as needed and as authorized. Interoperability is achieved by means of equipment standardization, frequency coordination, and by using systems that are capable of simultaneously cross-connecting different radio networks (VHF radio systems vs UHF, AM vs FM, etc.), connecting radio networks to telephone systems (Cellphone or Satcom systems) or networks’ VoIP circuits. Morcom offers systems that can allow you to achieve interoperability. 

Continuity of Communications

The ability of emergency response agencies to maintain communications in the event of damage to or destruction of the primary infrastructure. This is especially serious when traditional means (i.e. wired telephone systems and the wireless cell phone networks are taken for granted) are rendered ineffective or taken out of service during an emergency. Talk to us about alternative emergency networks such as rugged HF-SSB systems.

As a specialist in radio communications, Morcom is well prepared to satisfy the needs of counties, cities, and school police departments. Our services include assessment studies, new system design and optimization and the implementation or complete turn-key systems.

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